Cooh-eee im baaack!
Well having gone cold turkey on my cyber disease i am now cured and can enjoy the internet in moderation. I am not dependent on it, and can stand alone and face the world without it.
I thought I'd post a letter Careme once wrote to me after we spent valentines day doing yoga and having a sleepover with another friend (called Isaline for blog's sake):
"Dear Celeste,
This is just a letter to say a few thank-yous that I needed to say to you… and to try out your new (and very cool) keyboard on the laptop.
First, thank-you for the cake, it is very lemony and makes me feel all lemony, which is always a good thing, unless its in your eyes or something in which case it is quite painful (though I don’t know, I’m not the sort of person who puts lemon juice in their eyes often.) I have just eaten a piece of cake and I must say the fork is very fun!
Secondly, thank-you for coming to Yoga with me. It was a good experience although I am still shaking slightly, can still feel the incense in my lungs, and have never blacked out before. Still, all good! This is your favourite song after all, and it was a great experience. Remind me to pay you back.
Thirdly, thank (Isaline has just called you a bitch, don’t listen to her) thank you for having me and I really like your bedroom. The roses and the oars, you have decorated it very nicely.
Fourthly, thank-you, actually its kind of difficult to think of a fourth one. Oh yes, thank-you for letting me be the Lilac Fairy, and not to be all grumpy and mean as I would have been. That it very nice of you and your bluebird dance is amazing.
Fifthly, thank-you for helping me to spell fifthly… a real help.
Oh and let me tell you something, there is no such thing as a shorts-boy-pants. Don’t listen to her. Does your mother know that you out? You should really tell her otherwise poor Antoinette will be worried. I don’t believe you that you can’t read through the curtain. You’re a liar. Never mind. I like the cake. Lemony.
Careme x
P.S. Please don’t hug me."
I do actually really love her you know.
x Celeste