Tuesday 13 May 2008

It's Exam Time, boys and girls!!

Today was the first day of study leave for our GCSEs. My first one is on Thursday, but Celeste is probably in a Latin exam as we speak... and so let's send her a virtual good luck message. Bzzzz.

I, on the other hand, got to stay at home, search for food in the ever dwindling supplies in our house, and run after my revision notes when they ALL got blown away. I've just given up revising biology because the number of exclamation marks in our text-book (e.g. Diabetes can cause coma and even death!!!) have made me inexplicably angry.

It's sunny here, just so you know. The english have a very strange way of dealing with sunny weather. Firstly we get really excited, because it doesn't happen that often, and then we take off all our clothes. For some reason, guys just suddenly get the urge to display their man-boobs. Maybe I'm just jealous though - most of them are larger than mine.

Good luck in the exams....
Careme x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gahh exams! I'm in the middle of doing them, but im doing standard grades as for some reason the scottish and english system is all different. Good luck :) I get to fail history next thrusday, Cant wait! Im linking your blog, as you make me laugh out loud. x