Saturday 3 May 2008

New from Careme

"At last!" I hear you all cry. At last I have rememberd just what our password was and so I can now post an All About Me. Celeste's been pestering me to spill my life secrets online, so I guess I better had before she accuses me of giving up on Kettle Me Crazy and our life in virtual-paradise.

I know its fun to make lists, top ten lists, and so here's a top ten of Careme:

1. I only like order in a superficial way. I like it in a 1 to 10 way, but I don't like planning. I get crazy nervous when planning, so Celeste just tells me when to meet her and I do.

2. I have never planned my wedding. Actually, that's a lie. Yesterday I realised I had never planned my wedding and drifted off into a proposal fantasy. So if any of you out there ever meet me and want my hand in marriage then just take me to G&Ds in Oxford. You'll say "Will you marry me?", I'll say "Mmmm.... I'll think about" and then you'll go get me a chocolate icecream with raspberry sorbet and I'll realise that this is all I want in my life and I'll say "yes". I'm quite looking forward to it actually.

3. My second toe is longer than my big toe. Just in case this puts you off the idea of marriage.

4. I act completely different around different people. Usually its the opposite of their character. So when I'm with our friend Marie (another hilarious frenchoid pseudonym), who's really fantastical and idealistic, I'm always cynical. I guess I'll have to work out some day which one of these people I actually am, and which ones I have just created for myself. But, if your honest, will you ever separate "you" and what you want to be...

5. I act completely different around people who are tall as well. Celeste is comfortably shorter than me. Being shorter than someone makes me nervous. I have nightmares about it sometimes.

6. I daydream all the time. They turn out to be these really complex episodes where I know exactly what each person says. And then I sabotage them because they will never really happen. I guess I know now that I will never be proposed to with a rasberry and chocolate icecream.

7. I dance with Celeste. That's what's so good about our friendship. We are sometimes just in her kitchen (which is immense by the way) and we just start to dance. Usually it ends quickly, when she hits me with a flailing arm, or when I go WAY over the top, but its good that we have those moments.

8. Plimsolls, tea, lemsip, toast, tall boyfriends and wit - this is teenage life as I want it to be.

9. We're both ANTM fans. Which means that we, like all the other ANTM fans out there, think Tyra is a bitch, but still want to be her, believe that we are more high fashion than commercial, and know that HenryEvil is a genius.

10. Oh... Things About Me is dwindling away. I cannot think of 10 interesting things to say about me. I'm tired. And you are too. Go have a cup of tea and keep it calm.

x Careme


x Celeste and Careme said...

wow, lemsip aside that was really deep! i know what you mean, about not knowing which part of you is real. i find that too, and i didnt tell you this at the time, but when we went to see Juno together the line that i remembered afterwards most of all was when she said "I don't really know what kind of girl I am". I feel wierdly sad and philosophical, i just wish i knew where i was going and what i'm doing. i wish i understood me and could be honest with myself.

x Celeste and Careme said...

Yeah... but your not pregnant, so I guess there's less need for self-questioning.

The lemsip was deadly serious. Don't you remember that time?

Careme xx